Download Full FTC Safeguards Guide
The Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Compliant!

FTC Safeguards Rule Deadline June 9th, 2023

The Federal Trade Commission is now requiring all tax accountants to have proper cyber security protocols in place before June 9th or face harsh financial and civil penalties.

The language from the website is very complicated and techy. 

We have put together a simplified guide to help you get compliant as fast and as easy as possible.

Download it now to get compliance in place before the deadline!

What You'll Get In This FTC Safeguards Guide

Provided By Tech 4 Accountants

When it comes to compliance, you do not want just any tech person handling your information security program (ISP). In fact, the FTC requires that your qualified professional have prior experience and qualifications to administer these policies. Even if you have a solo firm, our guide can help assist you in getting compliant.

Being a certified Safeguards Technology Provider uniquely puts us in a position to assist and guide your company through compliance.

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